The following Standing Committees consisting of not less than three (3) members each. The Mayor shall make appointment of members to each Committee.
Parks and Streets Committee: Jared Ehrman; Lori Ehrman
Safety Committee: Debbie Mattox
Zoning Committee: William Lowe
Finance and Policy Committee: Helen DeBord
Community and Records Committee: Brendon Robertson
Committee Meetings
To ensure attention to village matters, Committees should meet at least quarterly. However, each committee chairperson shall have the authority to call meetings of their committee more often as deemed necessary and desirable. The committee chairperson shall notify the Mayor and Fiscal Officer as to the date, time, and place of said meetings. Meetings should be held in Village Hall or other public building so as to allow any interested citizens to attend.
The Fiscal Officer or Committee Chair shall then post notifications of the committee meeting at Village Hall as soon as notified of such meeting and never later than 24 hours before the meeting is to begin and any other notification required by Ohio Revised Code and Sunshine Laws.